Simha Labs Consulting Background

Value Assessment

“If your customer does not perceive it as value, then it's not very valuable.”
Jeffrey Gitomer

Verify Your Destination

Uncover Authentic Perceptions

Get an unbiased, third-party perspective in order to determine your perceived value in the mind of your customers. Our Value Assessment projects are based on an in-depth audit of alternatives with further insights extracted from user research.


Value Assessment

Identify and explore the factors that influence the perceived value of your products and services. Use these insights for an optimal go-to-market pricing strategy.


Needs Analysis

Determine the biggest needs of your customers with respect to specific focus areas. Allocate your resources optimally based on the most critical factors of competition.


Customer Personas

Identify and connect with different customer segments within your target market. Use these insights to power your marketing, sales, product and overall strategy.


Brick & Mortar

Learn how to utilize user experience methodologies to design a customer-friendly store experience and identify opportunities to improve your bottom line.

Our Promise

  1. Rich understanding of key stakeholders to clearly define their needs.

  2. Collection of unbiased data through best practices.

  3. Evidence-based solutions grounded in data.

  4. Diligent testing to effectively address needs through key metrics.