Simha Labs Consulting Background

Opportunity Discovery

"Opportunity does not waste time with those who are unprepared."
Idowu Koyenikan

Discover Worthwhile Pursuits

Capitalize on an Advantage

Uncover critical insights that help you maximize the impact of your products and services. We take a thorough, multi-pronged approach to provide evidence-based recommendations to help you grow your business.


Needs Analysis

Determine the biggest needs of your customers with respect to specific focus areas. Allocate your resources optimally based on the most critical factors of competition.


Usability Suggestions

Let's not just settle for fixing bugs. Assess your products on their ease of use and utilize usage behaviour for recommendations to improve overall user experience.


Thematic Analysis

Interpret the patterns within qualitative data to take action on the key themes throughout your customers journey. Uncover key insights to effectively penetrate your target market.


Customer Personas

Identify and connect with different customer segments within your target market. Use these insights to power your marketing, sales, product and overall business strategy.

Our Promise

  1. Diligent recruitment of relevant and reliable test users.

  2. Collection of unbiased data through best practices.

  3. Evidence-based recommendations grounded in data.

  4. Insights that lead to deeper knowledge of your customers/users.