Simha Labs Consulting Background

Training & Workshops

"We learn from hearing about it, seeing it done, then doing it ourselves."
Nina Allen Freeman

Unlock Your Potential

Create a Customer-Centric Culture

Customers are at the foundation of any company. Realigning your perspective to prioritize these key stakeholders enables more effective decision-making in order to improve overall organizational efficiency.


Talks & Speaker Series

Learn more about the process and nuances of user research and understand how it can be used to drive innovation within your organization. Whether your audience consists of students, corporate professionals, or technology leaders, we've got you covered with relevant talk or speaker series.


Training & Workshops

Engaging sessions that encourage participants to apply research concepts on real-world examples. Our personalized workshops allow you to incorporate your own relevant examples, so not only are you spreading knowledge on this critical topic but also kickstarting momentum towards your goals.

Our Promise

  1. Customized content based on your goals for the audience.

  2. Practical learnings with plenty of real-world examples.

  3. Increased awareness of biases and effective methods of analyzing data.

  4. Knowledge transfer & interactive workshops to drive home key concepts.