Simha Labs Consulting Background

User Testing

Do not seek praise. Seek criticism.”
Paul Arden

All Systems Check

Direct User Insights

Anyone can collect data. What sets Simha Labs apart is our approach of putting ourselves in your shoes to design a truly impactful research study and, more importantly, the collection of unbiased data in order to empower you to make the best decisions for your business.


Usability Testing

Let's not just settle for fixing bugs. Assess your products on their ease of use and utilize usage behaviour for recommendations to improve overall user experience.


Customer Personas

Identify and connect with different customer segments within your target market. Use these insights to power your marketing, sales, product and overall strategy.


Needs Analysis

Determine the biggest needs of your customers with respect to specific focus areas. Allocate your resources optimally based on the most critical factors of competition.


App Analytics

Get access to richer insights by using the latest technologies to analyze, measure and improve your customer experience. Over and over again.

Our Promise

  1. Effective translation of your needs into research study goals.

  2. Diligent screening of potential test users.

  3. Collection of unbiased data through best practices.

  4. Full immersion in the study using both secondary and primary sources.

  5. Evidence-based recommendations grounded in data.